Showing posts with label Misha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Misha. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Man's Best Friend ~ A Sad Goodbye

March 22, 1996 - April 12, 2012

On April 12, 2012 we lost a very special member of our family.  Misha, our 15 year old Yorkshire Terrier left this world, filling our hearts with tremendous sadness.  She was beyond sweet, truly loved, and will be forever missed.  IL&IMY!

Treasured Friend

I lost a treasured friend today 

The little dog who used to lay 

Her gentle head upon my knee 

And shared her silent thoughts with me. 

She’ll come no longer to my call 

Retrieve no more her favourite ball 

A voice far greater than my own 

Has called her to his golden throne. 

Although my eyes are filled with tears 

I thank him for the happy years 

He let her spend down here with me 

And for her love and loyalty. 

When it is time for me to go 

And join her there, this much I know

I shall not fear the transient dark 

For she will greet me with a bark. 

Author Unknown 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Exchanges: One Down Four To Go

Over the course of three years, I have participated in 80+ exchanges. I have never been late in mailing, and pride myself on always meeting my commitments. Fortunately, those assigned “my name” have been just as responsible. There have only been three individuals (I shall not mention names but shame on them) that failed to honor their commitment and have forever gone MIA. That averages only 1 per year so I cannot complain but I will never understand how people can receive an exchange and not send one.

Here is an exchange that I sent out over three weeks ago but I have yet to hear from the individual, she has not responded to my email, and I have not received her exchange so I must assume that she too will join the ranks of MIA.

Designer: Prairie Schooler
Design: Trick or Treat

It is hard to believe that I only have 4 more exchanges this year! One of those is already packaged up and ready to mail, the other three need to be stitched. Maybe next year I will do as I had planned and not sign up for as many exchanges. Like everyone, I have so many projects that I would like to complete. The WIP basket keeps growing, as does the new stash bin ~ so many projects so little time.

My new neighborhood is large and filled with children so I thought that I would need quite a bit of candy for Halloween. I purchased 12 bags of the Fun Size chocolate bars but only used 6 so I quickly tossed the rest into a flat rate box, taped it up, and mailed it to my son at college. I certainly do not have the willpower to keep all that chocolate around.

Costume creativity was top notch this year. The one that made me laugh was 4 teenage boys standing at my door with only their boxers on and a gold medal around each of their necks. They quickly stated "We are the US Swim Team" ~ I thought that was rather clever. As for this year's cutest trick-or-treaters:

Misha dressed as a clown ~ Lily as a witch

I am heading out this weekend to attend a Scrapbook retreat. I have attended quilt retreats but never a scrapbook one. I just found out that the retreat is being held a mere 26 miles from my house, somewhat close for a weekend get-a-way. I am not much of a scrapbooker and I have very few scrapbooking gadgets. I never intended to add Scrapbooking to my list of hobbies but I am on a mission to create three scrapbooks for family vacations to London, Paris, and Tokyo ~ after that I call it quits!

I shall leave you with this "Wishing Custom"...

Potato Chip

When you have a potato chip that has a bubble in it,

put the whole chip in your mouth and chew exactly

ten times. Make a wish as you swallow. If you

swallow the whole chip at one time, your wish will

come true.

Thanks for visiting!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Prairie Schooler FOB Sent ~ Meet Misha

I heard from Paula C. that she received the Prairie Schooler Fans Scissor Fob Exchange that I sent so I can post pictures. Since Paula is collecting PS Christmas Ornaments I decided to stitch a Santa design. The design was a bit large for a fob, so I decided to stitch it on 32 count over one; this is how it turned out:

Prairie Schooler Scissor FOB Exchange
Stitched For: Paula C.

Designer: Prairie Schooler ~ Book #43
Design: Father Christmas
Stitched on 32ct Linen over 1
Stitched for Paula C.
I really like it when I receive a stitched item that is personalized, so I am trying to do that on the ones that I send out.

This was a fun exchange, I will be keeping my eye out for additional exchanges with this group of stitchers!

I am posting this picture especially for Rob, Michelle's husband....

Vermont Deer
A few weeks ago I was in Vermont and happened to look out the window and see five of these beautiful creatures in the apple orchard. I quickly got the camera and was able to snap their picture before they scurried off. This is almost a daily occurrence, I guess they realize that they are always safe on our 40 acres!!!
Unless of course they meet up with this critter:


MISHA!!! my 11 year old, 6 1/2 pound Yorkshire Terrier who is sweet as can be unless she sees the deer, at which time she becomes a wild beast and chases after them! The picture was taken this winter when we had a huge snowfall and the snow was too deep for her to walk in. She is quite fashionable in her faux fir coat! Yes, I am still looking for a female Yorkie puppy but have not had any luck locating the perfect one.

To answer your question Michelle: some of the blackbird Design patterns call for crushed walnut shells to fill Pincushions. :)

Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

Until next time...