This has been a very busy month as I try to keep up with the five exchanges that are due in early March. So, did I tell you all that I was not going to participate in as many exchanges this year? Every December I declare to the world that I will limit my exchanges so that I can dedicate more of my time to stitching the many LARGE projects that I have been neglecting. However, by late January/early February I am busy sending out “sign me up” emails to the exchange moderators! A tally of my yearly exchanges is proof enough that I am not succeeding in lessening my exchange stitching… 2007 total 24, 2008 total 28, and 2009 total 33. On the flip side, I do have an abundance of gorgeous exchange pieces from so many talented stitchers.
I was able to do a bit of “me stitching” on my PS Alphabet SAL ~
Designer: Prairie Schooler
PS Alphabet SAL
It now resides on the Sampler Wall:
I shall leave you with a picture of the beautiful Valentine’s Day flowers that I received from two of the best sons in the entire world! They had these delivered to my door just days before Valentine’s Day, how sweet is that??? It would have been even SWEETER had they been at my front door, but that would have involved airline tickets, vacation days, and missed classes. Thank you both so very much! IL&IMY~
Until next time...