To date we have lived in:
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- Virginia
- Texas
- Maryland
- New Jersey
- Connecticut
- and have spent much time in our 2nd home in Vermont.
As some of you know I wanted to make Vermont my permanent home, but that is not going to happen; not yet, maybe never.
I am currently on a house hunting trip and am sitting in my room at the Marriott Hotel...My question to you is: Where's Waldo? I shall not reveal my location at this time, I will let you play along if you like. Leave a comment and let me know where you think I am moving to.
Here are just a few hints:
- We had the chance to move to Germany but decided to stay in the USA.
- You won't find me on the Ski Slopes very often.
- I will no longer be a 3 hour car trip away from my boys who are in college in PA, I will be a 3-4 hour flight away.
- I really should give away my winter clothes.
Sorry, but those few that already know where I am moving to are not permitted to play. :)
I am happy to say that we have found our new home and are scheduling the closing. I am even happier to say that this is a corporate move so I will leave the packing and moving to someone else, Yippee!!! Can you see me grinning ear to ear?
Until next time...