Monday, February 21, 2011

They Are My Sunshine...

My only sunshine.
They make me happy
When skies are grey.
They'll never know, dear,
How much I love them.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

Every day I am thankful for these guys…

Jan 2011
Okemo Mountain
Ludlow, VT
And every day I miss them both.  Once again, they surprised me on Valentine’s Day with this beautiful gift that arrived at my door early on February 14th
2011 Valentine's Gift from G/D
Sooooo BEAUTIFUL! Their never ending thoughtfulness and generosity touched my heart. Thank you G&D for making my heart smile and for making Valentine’s Day extra special. Know that IL&IMY every single day.
Later in the day my husband arrived home and surprised me with these beautiful flowers...

2011 Valentine's Gift from DH
Such a welcome surprise that was truly appreciated. Thanks to all three of you for the GORGEOUS flowers!!!

Do you remember this?

I was preparing my sewing room for the arrival of my new Koala Sewing Center, which arrived in late December. 

Truly awesome!  The sewing machine drops down into the cabinet with a push of a button leaving me with a large flat surface, which is perfect for basting a small quilt.
Anxious to put my new sewing table to good use I headed to Bonnie Blue Quilts and purchased this pattern, along with all of the fabric needed to complete it...

I managed to get all of the 9 patch blocks done before I realized that I needed to make 2 baby quilts by April, 1 graduation quilt by May, and another baby quilt by July. For now the Bonnie Blue Quilt must wait as I tackle those “must do” quilts first.
I have completed one baby quilt and have started on the second. Here is a picture of the completed top…

"Just Ducky"
45" x 45"
December 2009

This is such a cute pattern that is relatively quick to stitch. I did decide to hand appliquĂ© the 12 duck blocks which slowed me down a bit but I like the way they turned out.

As for stitching projects….well, I keep starting (but fail to finish) SO many small projects. It is getting ridiculous, I need to gather them all up, dedicate a few days to “catch up” stitching, and complete these projects once and for all.

I know, I know, I have been very delinquent with my blogging ~ I will try to be better about that (no promises though).

Until next time...


Julianne said...

Hi Marie,

It is great to see a post from you! I was thinking about you over the last couple of days and was hoping that all was ok.

I see from your post that you are doing well! That's great :)


Anonymous said...

Your flowers are gorgeous. I love your ducky quilt. You're such a talented one!

Alice said...

Adorable ducks!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Hi Marie my dear buddy :)
Thinking of you always and look at your men...they are too! Beautiful flowers!!!!
Still am jealous of that sewing room... bah humbug :)
But in a really good way!
Hugs and love!

Katrina said...

It's so nice to see a post from you!!!! Love your new table.

Sweet DH and got to love your boys, flowers are always a good thing :-).

Jeanne said...

Wonderful flowers - you are loved indeed Marie. Congrats on getting your new sewing furniture -I've seen the Koala pieces and they are wonderful. Your studio is looking great. Just Ducky is so cute - now you've reminded me that I need to make another baby quilt for a niece.........I need to give up sleeping......

Lennu said...

Dear Marie, it's always such a pleasure to visit your blog! The flowers are beautiful and your new sewing center is great. Your quilting is always wonderful, what a cute duck quilt you've made.

My stitching projects are a total mess now, I should do the same - dedicate a few days to "catch up" stitching and decide what to stitch first.

Tyreese said...
