I will show you in this Pillow Ornament Tutorial....
1) Stitched Design, Backing, Trim Hanger, Fiberfill
Take care to make sure that the front and back are accurately cut. This will affect how good it looks when stuffed.
2) Position the hanger and machine baste in place
3) Pin front and back ~ right sides together
4) Pull four small pieces of fiberfill, one for each corner
I like to use Fairfield 100% Premium Polyester Fiberfill. It has a smooth consistency with no lumps and can be used for all types of crafts.
5) Start at bottom and stitch around the pillow,
stitching over the fiberfill in each corner.
Pivot at the corner and continue stitching.
Be sure to leave an opening at the bottom for turning/stuffing
It is important that you are consistent with your seam allowance (I like to use 1/4" SA). This gets tricky when stitching through the fiberfill because the seam allowance is less visible. Slow down at the corners and, if need be, use a stylus to manipulate the fiberfill so that you are able to see the seam guide.
6) Your pillow should look something like this
7) Press seam allowance at the opening
(this makes hand stitching the closure easier)
8) Turn right side out
9) Place pillow face down on a thick white towel and press.
10) Stuff and hand stitch opening closed.
Stuff from the top down using small amounts of fiberfill. I start by pulling or *fluffing* the fiberfill 2-3 times prior to inserting it into the pillow. Use your hand to smooth the stuffed area as you work, this helps minimize lumps. If you tend to stuff firmly, like I do, then care must be taken not to distort the overall shape.
To close the opening I use matching thread and hand stitch it closed using the Ladder Stitch.
There you have it. The corners look full and the stuffing will not slip out!
Until next time...